What Have We Done?

IMG_0116This morning we have awoken to a new Europe.  Overhearing our discussions at dawn over the glow of an iPad, two little girls rushed into our bedroom this morning at 7.05am. Two innocent pairs of eyes worried about something they could scarcely understand, worried that we could no longer live in France, worried for a future they know nothing about.

“Mama what’s going to happen to us?”

We reassured them that everything will be fine, because that’s what parents  do.

Izzi, our eldest daughter phoned from London where she is working as an intern for two weeks, scared and worried, wanting some family reassurance.

Our two teenagers, who have finished school for the year, sat at the breakfast table; long periods of silence were punctuated with urgent questions.

 “Oh England, what have we done?”

It’s a question that is going around and around my brain this morning. Who knows where this will lead and what will happen.

The only thing I know for sure is whilst I am British, I am also extremely proud to be a European and very happy to call France my home, to have so many French people as friends,  and we really do appreciate the welcome they give anyone who visits their country.


Our home



112 thoughts on “What Have We Done?

  1. Oh dear, I must read about this. I was praying that England would stay in the union….my hopes and dreams for you and all Brits in France and elsewhere will be able to continue to enjoy the freedom to be where you please. I will read more on this. In the meantime, peace to you and your children. Anita

    1. Hi Anita, thank you, I am quite frankly stunned. I worry more for those who are in the UK and for those with young children in the UK who had dreams of a future in Europe. What a troubled sad world we live in, I pray for peace too. Susan x

  2. Very nicely put. All the tiny children who have no idea what is happening are going to be the ones most affected sadly I think.

    1. I live in England with three young children, their dreams of traveling Europe freely ha e just been shattered – devastated

      1. I feel your pain. My daughter had her heart set on doing her masters inot the Netherlands. Everything changes now.

        1. Hi Lily, had to interject here, our daughter too also wanted to go to the Netherlands, but they too are now talking about a referendum, who knows what the future holds for our children in Europe.

    2. The tiny children, the teenagers, all those people at University planning their future, yesterday they were safe in the knowledge their British passport would take them all over Europe, today their future has changed quite drastically. As you say, it is our children I worry for. Susan x

      1. I completely agree with you Susan. It is undoubtedly the younger generation that is going to feel the consequences of this decision for many decades at least. I fear that many bright futures have been put on hold now. Best of luck to your family.

        1. Hi Lily, We have to somehow be positive, with our eldest daughter at University in the UK, she had a future planned for herself in Europe, she is naturally now very concerned, but I have promised her that with good results, she will still be able to live and work in Europe, even with a British passport, there will still be a future, it just won’t be so easy, it will require lots of paperwork, just as it did to go and live in the USA or Australia or anywhere outside of Europe, but it will still be possible. We have look for solutions and move forward because we cannot change the outcome no matter how awful it may have been. Susan x

      1. Susan, I think ultimately it is the beginning of the end of Europe sadly but we have to remain optimistic! And as you say visas will always be a possibility of course. I’m curious as to what the views of your teenage children are on this? It is their future after all, what a tragic day.

        1. Hi Lily, there is always a way forward, I agree and we must remain optimistic because what’s done is done and we cannot change that. Our teenage children are all rather worried, they too see this as the end of Europe and they feel their futures have been somewhat spoilt today by one simple vote. They are happy they are in France and not in the UK, that was their precise words. it is a tragic day for all of Europe. I know you have children, what do they think? Susan x

  3. Very nicely put. All the tiny children who have no idea what is happening are going to be the ones most affected sadly, I think.

  4. The worst part of this vote to leave the EU is that it was made by a majority of people over the age of 65, it will be the young who will suffer by their mistake. Early this morning our daughter telephoned us to ask her fathers advice, she has a Language center in Limoges & she had been contacted by a radio reporter to give her opinion on how it will effect the Btitish expats who are living here in France. She was 21 when she came to France with us so she has lived more than half her life here, except for her time in Canada where she lived with her French husband for three years, she has 2 sons 16 & 19 yrs old who say they are European . You gave the right answers to your young family, we can only hope it doesn’t bring lots of disruption to our lives. Great post.

    1. woild love to know what is her opinion? What did she say to the reporter? What is the general feeling of the French? Here in the uk those of us who voted to remain are very worried, especially as now Cameron has resigned

      1. Well most of the French are appalled Lisa, we woke up in shock this morning and many of my family members inboxed me to tell me of their disbelief. We think Scotland is to effect secession and Northern Ireland too. What could UK tell them when they want themselves to be on control of their own country too? We fear more countries to be contaminated… all this work for such an ending. 😦

        1. So much work indeed, to build a united Europe and now to watch it crumble, for I fear this is just the start and more countries will now follow. All of our French friends are as shocked and stunned as we are. I am proud to live in France and I hope the French realise this, we are not all the same, I am also very proud to be a European. have a lovely weekend, Susan x

    2. Hi Barbara, I am intrigued to know what opinion she gave as someone who has lived here a long time but who is English? Actually I think the British are the ones who are going to suffer the most from this, they voted thinking they would gain but I think they will in the long run be the ones who lose out. Worrying troubled times. Susan x

  5. I am in shock this morning as I awakened to all this news. Here at home, there are many West Virginia residents faced with floods from torrential rains through our valleys among the hills. England’s decision to leave the EU will have a roaring impact on the world as a whole just in monetary policy alone. My prayers are with your family, and hope your daughter can return to France without issue.

    1. Hi Rita, thank you, she will return to France next week as if nothing had happened, however what the future will bring in the next couple of years is another matter. She is not a French resident and is at University in the UK. Only time will tell, very worrying in so many ways for so many people. My prayers are also with the people of West Virginia and those affected by the floods. Wishing you a peaceful and happy weekend. Susan x

  6. such a surprise to me as I saw the alert from the NYT when I woke up. Uncharted waters, for all, young and old. Not understanding all of it, but I do think I feel sadness for so many.

    1. It was a surprise to us too. I cannot tell you the shock when I awoke and saw the headlines staring at me, “In historic vote, Britain votes to leave the EU” I never imagined it would actually happen. What a sad day for Britain. Susan x

    1. I think we have Catherine, taken a big step backwards and I think it is the people in the UK who will be most affected and who will lose the most, in the long run I don’t think they will gain anything. Sad and worried. Susan x

  7. Like you we awoke this morning in the Charente to the news- we live most of our time in the UK and only have a “‘maison secondaire” here, and we were a split vote family! I have no idea how things will turn out. I am just sorry that it seems to have been the Little Englanders who won the day, and seem to think the UK will return to its Imperial Glory days!! I still consider myself European and may have to apply for an Irish passport as I am married to an Irishman!

    1. Reading through everyone’s comments and getting some comfort from doing so. Living in England we, the remain voters, are very worri d. What is the feeling in France?

    2. Hi Jane, I tend to agree with you. I think there was just not enough information out there, people didn’t know enough of the deep down facts. As you say I think so many people believe with a leave vote that the UK will return to how it was 50 years ago, but that won’t happen and I fear that the country will now suffer badly for their decision. But who knows, only time will tell. Susan x

  8. What have we done indeed. Feeling a sense of doom here in England. We have distanced ourselves from the world and I fear we will be very sorry. Unable to work I just feel sick to my stomach this morning

    1. Hi Lisa, I think there was a lack of information available and I truly believe that people did not consider the true implications of leaving. Only time will tell what the future holds for Britain and the rest of Europe, maybe this will be the end of Europe or maybe those countries remaining will become stronger and more united. What’s done is done, now we have to find a way forward. Troubled worrying times indeed. Susan x

  9. You have a knack of getting things spot on correct – what has England done. So sorry for Europe as a whole. Now I worry even more about our own elections.

    1. Hi Jane, The EU has had the toughest two years in it’s history and I think something like this was bound to happen, although I never truly believed it would. Who knows what the future holds, worrying times indeed. Susan x

    1. Hi, thank you. The world is indeed in a spin. Maybe this will act as a wake up call who knows, only time will tell, but they are indeed very worrying troubled times and I fear for our children. Susan x

  10. This is going to hurt everybody. The U.K., Europe, even the people who voted to leave. This isn’t a troubled Greece that might have pulled out in order to have a massive devaluation–which would have caused immediate, deep suffering to the Greeks BTW, even if it might have helped Greece in the longer term–the U.K. is the second-biggest economy in Europe, far bigger than Greece. There are no winners. Maybe Soros if he bet against the pound again. Or American and Japanese tourists this summer. But businesses are going to stop hiring, stop planning until they can see how this vote affects them. That will make the U.K. economy brake hard, and will also hurt the EU. As for visas to live here, yes, it’s a pain, but it isn’t insurmountable, unless the governments get in some kind of tit-for-tat tiff.

    1. I don’t actually think we will need visas and that is the least of our problems anyway! But I do think the British public voted without even knowing all the facts, there was so little information available, lots of tv debates that turned into full scale arguments between the two sides, but very few hard facts and even less information on what will happen in the future, even the leave campaign don’t know what will happen now. Cameron has resigned, as he almost surely had to do, we’ll be left with a leader of the Conservatives who, to quote a friend of mine, “doesn’t even know how to use a hairbrush” Susan X

  11. I woke up and immediately ran to the TV to see. When I went to bed, the “Remain” side seemed to be the prediction. So sad to see this result for your family and the world. Thinking of you.

    1. Hi Anne, when I went to bed they said the “remains” we’re just edging into the lead. I was stunned this morning when I saw the headlines staring at me, I never dreamt it would actually happen. I think it is a very sad day for the whole of Europe. Susan x

  12. I was really shocked this morning to see the result of the referendum. I had wanted to believe that sanity would prevail. My immediate thought was for you and your family, as your post yesterday had stayed in my mind. Hoping for the best for you, Susan. xx

  13. Amazing to see that the lives of so many, which before were unchanged, will now forever be different. This was not a general election, this was a referendum in which other people have now made a decision that will affect how I live. That is just the one part I cannot comprehend – it’s as if I was made aware that on June 23rd I was going to court for something I had not done, and I was going to have to live by the court’s decision, effected by the 12 unknown men and women of a jury which I had no right of defence to.

    The second part is even more frightening – Britain has spoken; well half of it has. And that half has voted for a step forward into a future in which there are no answers; there are just guesses, rumours and many pitfalls. There is no carefully planned path to follow, no rules of engagement, and certainly no certainty of success, happiness and freedom. The other half of Britain, who voted to remain in, knew what they were voting for. An existence in a democratic country coming to terms, slowly, with a changing Europe, and a means to improve its lot via reform and due process.

    Hold your children tight, Susan. The road may get a little bumpy before it irons out a little.

    1. Hi Phil, I think the road will be very bumpy for a while. I wish the future was more certain, I wish I could offer more than a simple “it will be ok” to the children, but we can’t because we don’t know what the future holds. have a lovely weekend, Susan x

    2. Phil, you write that you feel like you have been judged for something that you have not done with no right of defence. Yes, me too. I know that we will slowly turn towards practical answers and new necessities, but at the moment I just feel weary, weighed down with incredible sadness and a great sense of injustice.

      1. Watching the BBC news now, the headlines on tomorrow’s papers – “What the hell happens now” and the French paper Liberation – Good Luck. The worst thing is they say, only now are the British public beginning to realise the implications – well it’s a little late!

  14. Hi Susie, we were as stunned and depressed at the result as you this morning. The whole debate has been based on assumptions, because no-one could possibly know what the ramifications would be, and so both camps have pretty much made up the ‘information’ we’ve been fed and based it around what they know will get votes. We can only hope that when the dust settles, the government will make sensible decisions about all our futures. I hope your future is safely and happily in France, but you’re all still very welcome to come and camp at Windmill Farm! Love, Rachel xx

    1. Hi Rachel, utterly stunned, we truly didn’t think it would happen. Thanks so much for the offer of camping at Windmill Farm, you may regret saying that, but I love the idea! Don’t worry we won’t!!! Susan x

  15. Oh dear, what a disaster! Although I’m a Dane living in France, I’m also a grandmother and remember clearly how things were before we entered the EU, customs, visas, etc.
    It will be an enormous step backwards to us all! I’m so sorry for my children and grandchildren. Inge

    1. Hi Inge, I think it is indeed a huge step backwards rather than a step forwards, I think the only future for Europe was as a united one where we all worked together for a common goal. Now I can see it will slowly break up more and more. So sad. Have a lovely weekend Susan x

  16. Your blog post brought tears to my eyes. I know the world will continue, but so many people I know are going to be hurt by this. And I fear the U.S. might follow in the footsteps of those so afraid of people they don’t know or understand. I must make sure a similar result does not happen in November here. We can’t let fear win.
    I’m thinking of you and your family

    1. Hi Paulita, indeed we cannot let fear win, but sadly at the moment fear is winning. People believe that by opting out of Europe the immigration problem will go away, but it won’t and terrorism won’t either, we are much better as one united front standing beside each other, but it is now too late for that. Instead, now we must find a way forward, an optimistic way for the future. Susan x

  17. It is very sad news not just for the UK but for Europa as a whole. This will only be the beginning. All we can hope is that in the end, we all make our lives as best as we can with what we have.

    1. Hi Nadia, it is a very sad day for the whole of Europe, I quite agree, and as you so rightly say now we have to find a way forward, a way to continue our lives with hope and optimism. Have a lovely weekend, at least the sun is shining again! Susan x

  18. Good Morning Susan, Just a quick note to say I thought of you and your family when I woke up this morning, wondering how your world had changed overnight. I was shocked to hear the results of the vote. I’m sure you are all worried about the future but your country(ies) have been through worse and come out on top and you will again. Many people are thinking of you and sending you love and good thoughts. Me too! Warm hugs,

    1. Thank you so much Pat. Shocked and stunned this morning as indeed are all of our French friends, they too are amazed. But we will find a way forward, I don’t think we will be as affected as those living in the UK where they will feel the changes most of all. Thanks again and big hugs back, Susan x

  19. When I heard the news last night, I thought about you and your family. I am so very sorry and think the UK has made a big mistake. ❤️

    1. Thank you so much Judy, I think they have too, but we can do nothing about it. The French are as stunned as we are, our friends all think they have made a huge mistake, but now we must find a way forward and be optimistic. Thanks for your thoughts, it means a lot, Susan x

  20. Thank you for your beautiful post, as always, Susan. I am neither British nor French, but I have grown up in a country which for a long time (through its own fault) was ostracised by the rest of the world. Even now, maybe more than ever, our future in the country of our birth is unsure. Visas and restricted travel are not new to us and although until more recently we never needed a visa to visit the U.K., that too has fallen away, we pay dearly to enter the U.K. and the study visa that used to be available has been withdrawn. Our currency is pathetically weak.Our lives have also been affected by people whom we did not vote for making decisions about the way we should live. But I can reassure you of this, nothing is insurmountable. Children are very adaptable. I watch them, and that is what I see. Resilience and ingenuity will prevail. It is our older generation that finds change more challenging. Nevertheless, I am anxious for things to work out for all my friends in England and also all the dear people with whom I have contact in Europe. No matter what politics, rules and regulations are imposed, as humans we all live in the same village ❤

    1. Indeed and I know of your country’s struggles, my husband lived there for many years and still has many friends and business ties within and his step brother still lives there with his family. It is a beautiful country. Nothing is easy, but there will be a way forward and there will be a future, we just have to remain optimistic and find that way, I will remain positive because there is no other way to be. Have a lovely weekend Susan x

      1. How encouraging to know that you have insight — circumstances are different, but hope is the same! Wishing you a weekend that will be lovely too, with the sun that shines as it always does and the hearts of good friends that sustain you, Jeanne x

        1. Hi Jeanne, there is always hope. I always believe in a cup half full not half empty. Maybe some good will come of all of this, maybe Europe will become much stronger, whatever, this is the future now and it is up to us to make the most of it for ourselves and for our children. The sun is indeed shining here, the weather is gorgeous, tennis tournament tomorrow for our 9 year old, life goes on. I hope you too have a wonderful weekend, Susan x

  21. I slept badly and was in such a turmoil over the outcome that I couldn’t go back to bed after I got up at 5am to send Hero Husband on his trip…. And I’m not English – then the comments of my English friends came in, nobody can face the future and we think it will take 10 years to get over this set-back. We are sending all our love and good thoughts to you up in the north – we will still visit you this year and we surely will try to come to terms with this situation which is SO SCARY for the children and grandchildren if not for those who voted for the exit.
    Have already a big hug and a bunch of good thoughts! Kiki

    1. Hi Kiki, I slept badly too, I wanted to stay up last night but it got so late and I knew I couldn’t so instead I awoke early and as soon as I saw the headlines I felt sick. I was in a state of utter shock, it never occurred to me this would actually happen. The last thing I heard last night was the remain side was edging ahead. Still we must remain positive and we must be optimistic for without these two things there is no future and there must always be a future. I hope you have a truly wonderful weekend. By the way where did you live in Devon? Susan x

  22. My gaster is flabbered! I cannot believe that this is really what the UK want in the 21st Century – to stand alone and miss the opportunity of being part of something much bigger, better and, in my opinion, safer. However as there was a less than 75% turnout that got less than 60% of the vote I believe under EU referendum law there has to now be a 2nd referendum – look on line for the UK Government and Parliament Petition: EU Referendum Rules Triggering A 2nd EU Referendum and if you agree then sign the petition – we might get a second bite at the cherry!

    1. Is this for real, go live, go to the Press, how come we in England don’t know about this! Post it everywhere. A glimmer of hope maybe.

    2. Hi Penny, I wonder if this second vote will ever happen, if it can ever happen. I looked at the petition and it seems the site crashed with so many users, over 100,000 in a matter of half an hour or so. Still it seems a long shot but who knows. We must be optimistic. Try and have a lovely weekend, time you came over for dinner and we shared a decent bottle of bubbly to drown our sorrows! Susan x

      1. I haven’t checked the EU Referendum Rules yet, but would be surprising me if Britain could withdraw from the EU pursuant to a simple majority vote.

        1. Hi Leslie, It would appear there are certain things in place that allow a country to withdraw, any country can choose to leave so long as they follow the correct procedures, that is what I have understood so far. Susan X

  23. Such a beautiful post Susan, thank you. I agree with all that has been said. Feeling rather numb today as I was awake at 2.30 watching as the results came in, in total shock, unbelievable, just didn’t think it would happen. We must try to remain positive and hope the out come isn’t as bad as it seems today. Such a shame if our children’s futures are ruined by this mess. You are certainly in the best place. We are or were hoping to move to France very soon. All the very best to you and your lovely family. XX

    1. Hi Loraine, I hope you do still move here, I think there will be a way forward, well there has to be, but I know we must remain optimistic, we must believe in the future. I am thankful we are in France, the French are as shocked as we are, no one wanted this here. Where were you hoping to move to? had you already bought your house? Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Susan x

      1. Hi Susan, sorry for late reply. We have had a maison secondaire in Brittany for the past 13 years, which we bought because we felt a great affinity with the region’s Celtic roots and the Breton/French way of life.
        It features strongly in our plans for the future and we must now find a strategy to enable us to fulfill our dreams and for the future of our 3 sons.
        As you rightly say there will and must be a way forward.
        Loraine x

        1. Hi Loraine, never apologise! How old are your three sons? Was the idea to educate them in France as part of the plan? I do believe there will be a way forward and I don’t think it will all be doom and gloom. I think we have to watch closely and see how things develop over the next few weeks, it is such early days, but I truly believe in being positive. Maybe this is just the start of a stronger more powerful Europe, I don’t know but I will be optimistic! In the meantime enjoy the rest of the weekend. Susan x

    2. We were looking at buying a little bolt hole across the channel within easy drive of the St Malo ferry, but like you Loraine, do we go ahead with our plans now or forget everything. It’s all such a mess.

      1. Hi Lisa, uncertain times for very many people. I wouldn’t give up on your plans but maybe just hold fire for a few weeks until things hopefully start to become a little clearer. In the meantime have a lovely weekend, Susan x

      2. Hi, Lisa, I wish you all the best and hope that you find a way to fulfill your dreams of buying a property in France. Hopefully as things become clearer over the next few weeks or months we will all feel more confident in taking things further. x

  24. Sad, sad day. I woke up around 3 am (in US) and was reading the shocking news in a UK paper online when they broadcast David Cameron’s speech live outside #10. The idea of “the mop” possibly taking leadership (not) through the stormy EU breakup negotiations ahead is chilling, to say the least. But seeing the precipitous drop in the Pound and the world-wide stockmarkets should remind all of us that in a global economy, the results of individual country elections have the power to impact everyone. The world economic conditions were tenuous before the vote. Now…well, time will tell, but I don’t forsee a good outlook for any of us in the short term or the long run. Should there be a similar disastrous election result in the US this November (…please, Scotland, find a sand dune for the fellow…and keep him), then we will be piling trouble upon trouble. Hate upon hate And fear upon fear.

    I wouldn’t know what to say if I had young children either, but all you can do is what you did—reassure them that you will do what you can to keep them safe and secure.

    1. Hi Mary, well thank you for making me giggle, a sand dune in Scotland indeed! Total shock sort of took over today, first the result, then Cameron, of course he had to resign, but the worst thing is I don’t think the leave party have any idea what the way forward is either, it’s sort of a case of we’ll make it up as we go along, which is pretty scary. I truly fear this may be the end of Europe as we know it, but there are the optimists who say it will make the remaining European countries stronger and let’s hope they are right. Positive thinking is the only way forward and that is what we need for a future for our children. Huge hugs and a peaceful and happy weekend to you. Susan x

  25. ooh Susan, like yourself I am a worried mum of a 20 year old girl and she woke up this morning very worried thinking about her country. She wants to move freely in the European Union and she had a dream of becoming a journalist this year in the Netherlands, and she is worried now if an employer there will want to go that far for a work visa. All this happens because United Kingdom has tolerated too many bigots under social welfare for donkeys years living at the expensive of tax payers. And when Cameron got on board and giving them nothing to support themselves and asking them all to go to work, that’s when the chaos started. Cameron was right to teach people that they have to work to afford their silly lifestyle. Anyway, but whoever have made this bed on 23rd June 2016, am afraid they will have to wash the dirty linen by themselves.

    But there is a call for a second referendum which is the right of everyone to ask for a second one, but I am more than sure that the second one will be dealt with in the parliament and most likely the politicians will vote themselves for this one. Fingers Cross before we know if we are going to be lucky, only god can make a miracle. Your little lovelies need not worry, because god watch over the little ones so I’ve been told by older generations. They will be fine.

    On top of it, who wants sickening Farage and bigot Boris to talk on one’s behalf? We have two more years within European Unions, after October with Cameron’s resignation, I wonder whoever becomes Prime Minister, the big question is “Will the European Unions respond to him” laugh my silly ass off!

    Us guys will be ok, France is Paradise of Europe – hooraaayy!!


    1. Hi Juli, many sensible words there. Cameron did indeed make people see they couldn’t have everything for nothing, but he has paid the price and so has the UK. I am today happy to be in France. Like your daughter our eldest, as you know, is also 20 and currently in London and worried. She had plans to study for her Masters in Holland at the end of next year, but who knows if that will now be possible. Everything has suddenly changed and become so uncertain. All we can do is to have hope and be positive and optimistic of a future that will still be good for all our children within Europe. When are you coming to France? or are you here now? Susan x

      1. Susan, I wouldn’t worry too much about your daughter still being able to study for her Master’s degree in Holland. It will most likely be whether she can get a visa to work in Europe that will be a question (depending upon her area of expertise).

        1. Yes the work visa, will be the next being question, but it will be no different to us getting a work visa in the USA or vice versa, there will just be more paperwork! Susan x

  26. I thought of you, in the wee hours, as I was reading the news stories. Once the immediate fuss settles a bit and people realize that it’s not immediate, and that it’s a non-binding referendum, things may look different. There may be ways to ameliorate or even change, who knows.
    Hang in there, as we Yanks say, and enjoy the beautiful French landscape and your wonderful family. We need your calm take on the world now more than ever.

    1. Hi Emm, there is so much now that is going on in Europe, so much talk, Frexit, (France), Suexit (Sweden) the Euro sceptics are having a field day. Only time will tell what will happen. But we must remain optimistic and positive about the future. Life goes on, tennis tournaments tomorrow our French friends have rallied round, sending texts, even bringing around flowers from their gardens to show they still love our British family, I have been quite overwhelmed by their wonderful friendship, it makes me even prouder to be European. I hope you too have a wonderful weekend, Susan x

    2. Emm, what does “non-binding referendum” mean in this context? That the result of the vote does not, as a matter of law, require the U.K. to withdraw from the E.U.?

      1. Leslie, I was going to ask Emm the same question. I don’t think the vote requires us to leave at all, that was purely an internal vote, but the British public will now force the government to leave as they asked the publics opinion and they gave it. Susan x

      2. As I understood it originally, it was as Susan said, something of an advisory vote. But now the world financial markets and the EU have taken it as final, so there may be no going back. I feel most sorry for the people who were duped by the politics of fear and thought this would solve all their problems, instead of creating new ones.

        1. I think you have hit the nail right on the head there Emm, it seems to be emerging in the news that so many people voted as if to prove a point to the government, they never thought it would actually mean we would leave. I have never heard of such a mess. I wonder if there will be a second referendum and some way out of this, people appear to want to change their minds, so now once again maybe it is down to the power of the British public.

      3. It seems to me that there is so much confusion. I am in the UK and I don’t know what happening either, it is chaos and people are scared now, wishing they hadn’t voted. It seems many people voted in protest to the government, they didn’t know it would actually happen, now they are panicking. The U.K. Is in an even bigger mess now than it was before.

        1. Hi Lisa, our daughter in London has said much the same thing, it’s just a great big mess. Everyone is in turmoil including the government and the leave party. I hope some sense can be found in the coming weeks.

  27. Unfortunately the petition website is still down, but I will keep attempting to access it. It must be worth trying for another referendum. I have a feeling that a lot of the people who voted “Leave” may change their vote now that the fallout is starting to become apparent. Not sure if anything will become of it, but at least it is better than sitting back and doing nothing. Thank you for bringing this petition to our attention – I had no knowledge of it until I read your blog.

    1. Hi Julie, I saw that, goodness knows if anything will come of it. The most worrying thing is I keep reading about leave people who have said they voted to prove a point, but they didn’t really think it would happen, they didn’t really want to leave. I think a lot of people would now change their mind, just 24 hours later as already the pound has weakened and shares have fallen. But we must remain positive and optimistic for the future. Have a wonderful weekend. Susan x

  28. I think if there were a second referendum then many of those who sat idle the first time around will be first in the queue the second time – they probably thought nothing would happen either.

    1. You are probably right Phil and I heard a lot of leave voters apparently voted leave but never thought it would really happen and no wish they hadn’t. It’s all a bit bizarre. Such an event in world history seems to have been taken so lightly!

  29. LIving on the west coast of the U.S., I was able to stay up until the referendum result was called by the BBC and ITV, and I thought of you, wishing there were some way to soften the blow you would feel when you awakened to the shocking news. It is a blow, of course, to all of us, even those who do not yet realize that. I admire your determined optimism…now go sign that petition!! With you, Leslie

    1. Ha Leslie, the petition website has crashed with over use! It is a huge blow for Europe, but we will survive, who knows maybe Europe will be all the stronger for it, only time will tell, in the meantime, in my opinion, optimism is the only way forward Susan x

  30. As an American I must say that I am a bit confused about all of this. I will soon be 69 years old. For most of my lifetime the UK was sovereign as it was for centuries prior to my birth. The EU is a very recent coalition. Why is becoming sovereign again a bad thing?

    1. Hi Carol, it’s not so much that it is a bad thing, more that as a part of the European continent and as part of the European Union, all of the member countries work together for one common goal and breaking away from that may do more harm than good for Great Britain. Susan x

  31. Kia Ora Susan – greetings from New Zealand. I just read your very personal view of your world as it is today. I actually sat up till the wee small hours last night watching the BBC news too. A 43 year association to end. It will have world wide effects in every sphere. The great majority of New Zealanders have roots in Great Britain, however many generations ago. May it be “Great Britain” again. My only cousins either live or travel in France and England, in fact four of them are on the Canal Midi right at this moment. You will just have to keep on enjoying your life and inspire other people to do the same.
    Kindest wishes

    1. Kia Ora Frances, as you may know our youngest daughter was born in NZ, we lived in Kerikeri but she was born in Auckland, so I have a great love of your country. You are right, there is nothing we can do but be optimistic and continue with our lives, always with a positive outlook for we have much to be grateful for. Have a wonderful weekend, Susan x

      1. Well, well Susan – no, I didn’t know that – how wonderful! You obviously have an adventurous spirit and that is marvellous. I now live in Waihi, gold mining hub of the country. I have lived all over NZ and in Queensland Australia – still think we have the best place in the world ! My two trips to France were wonderful – the last one four years ago and I fell in love with Albert, in the Somme, where my grandfather is buried. Your life will continue much the same I imagine, pity about the English PM though, I thought he was a ‘good guy’ !?

        1. I love NZ too, beautiful country, we had the best time, but alas it is a very long way from home and family, my Father who never wanted to fly was never going to see his grandchildren grow up, that is the only reason we left. Who know’s where life will take us, who know’s what will happen to Europe and Britain, but I remain positive and optimistic for the future! Enjoy what is left of your weekend! Susan x

  32. Oh, dear! I’m a bit lost. I don’t know enough about politics or economics to say without a doubt if it’s a good decision or a bad one, but then who can say for sure? All I know is that as I have British ancestors, I really loved that connexion between France and the Uk being part of a same institution. I never seriously thought this could end. Somehow the world I grew up in is changing and we have to adjust. I do hope the future will reassure your children.

    1. The world is indeed changing very rapidly. Right now I think there is a lot of scaremongering and no one knows what is going to happen, I hear so many different stories being thrown around. I hope in a couple of weeks time we might all get a slightly clearer picture of the future. Susan x

    1. We will indeed. I am proud to be British, but I am also proud to be European, I don’t think too much will actually change within Europe. Thanks for taking the time to comment, it is always much appreciated. xx

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