Why France ?

img_4032Happy Mother’s Day to those in the UK. Nearly every country I can think of celebrates in May, so I wonder why in Great Britain it is in March? I have lots of little things for you to mull over today. It is Sunday after all, and we are in France, a day to relax and and a day to enjoy. Here it promises to be another beautiful warm one so I shall keep this short and sweet.P6400369

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These Old French Doors

42520875_943068522555219_1149421806340276224_nWhen I first set eyes on our house, the moment I set foot inside the large entrance gates I fell in love with the driveway lined with a flowering hedge and the sweep of lawn and garden beyond. But that day I fell in love twice, the second time was with the front doors, and both have been love affairs that have not lessened in the slightest, each and every day I still get the same feeling every time I come and go. Continue reading “These Old French Doors”

The World’s Best Frittatas!


Happy hens = lots of eggs. That’s my theory and it seems that ours are thriving once again. It may be cold and wet, as winter has us firmly in her clutches, but our girls are laying contentedly. Oh and our daffodils are about to burst into flower even though we are currently shivering and snow covers much of Europe. Talking of the white stuff, I am sending our warmest thoughts to anyone in Chicago; I cannot imagine such cold.


Continue reading “The World’s Best Frittatas!”

A Final Word Before Christmas


One or two more sleeps? Well that depends, if you are French, then it is one as the festivities commence the evening of the 24th when the big meal with family is traditionally enjoyed and gifts are shared and opened into the early hours of the morning. However, we still follow our British tradition of celebrating on the 25th and  with much mounting excitement our children are counting down the hours. Continue reading “A Final Word Before Christmas”