We ate dog Biscuits!


We did and we didn’t – eat dog biscuits that is – more on this in a minute as it has in fact been rather a contradictory week. I love the spring and summer but profess to dislike autumn and winter. However, I then actually like winter when it snows because I love the snow, but we don’t get much snow here. As a result I inevitably tell everyone I dislike winter and the autumn. But isn’t it a woman’s prerogative to change her mind?

Yesterday I found myself driving down some country roads behind the wheel as chief chauffeur, along with various children aboard who needed ferrying to different places. I covered quite a significant number of kilometres during the day, and around each corner the landscape got better and better, up until a point when I suddenly found myself thinking that I love this time of year. The spectacular autumn colours, the cosy comfort of a warm fire in the evening. I was shocked at the thoughts playing around inside my head, and wondered if I’ve really been fooling myself all this time? Do I really rather love every season, relishing in the individual pleasures each one offers, knowing that appreciating one leads to an even greater gratitude for the next?


In October we revelled in an Indian Summer, and as the month stretched out we continued to gorge on figs, tomatoes and all sorts of other late things from the potager. November arrived with continued beautiful weather, but alas after the two week vacances de la Toussaint the children sadly returned to school , and as if in mourning the temperature dropped instantly, even if the skies remained for the most part blue and the sun continued to shine. The beaches emptied, the Hobies and dinghies lay untouched, and it turned into perfect walking weather for those who like solitude, a state of mind only interrupted by the sound of cold waves washing gently ashore onto chilled sands.



In the garden our leaves have started falling at an alarming rate, and as fast as we clear them, the lawn is covered again; we have a varied team of groundsmen, some are probably more of a hindrance than any form of aid.



The morning glow is still soft and mellow, however, and whichever road I take each day the autumn colours are warm and welcoming, with none of the harsh winter tones that I know will come all too soon.

img_0493I find myself stopping to take photos far too often, and as I have now told you, I think I have to admit to myself that perhaps I’m just a little in love with autumn!



The light at this time of year is magical and the afternoon sun, quite low in the sky, bounces off russet leaves, magnifying the intensity of the orange hues and constantly changing colours.



The evenings have taken on a distinctly chilly feel, but that’s ok too, as it means we have to light the fire, this is a time to get snug and cosy. Now that the clocks have gone back it’s getting dark not long after six o’clock, and more of the early evening is spent indoors, where faces are aflame with warmth and noses are tucked into books and homework.


The cooler weather also brings a change in what we eat, suddenly we have a longing for hearty stews and homemade soups with our favourite crusty bread from Franck and Amélie’s stone oven. Yesterday for lunch I made a classic French potage, a thick and creamy vegetable offering of potato, leek and carrot that was so easy to make it slotted effortlessly into our slightly hectic Saturday timetable, a part of the week that involves tennis, friends, parties, endless children and a house and garden that are always calling for a little love and TLC.



In the colder months, Sunday mornings are all about breakfast in pyjamas, with steaming cups of chocolat chaud, and bowlfuls of classic bistro-style coffee for Roddy and I that take a little longer to prepare; the milk is warmed and then whisked to a froth, but it does make breakfast a special treat!


But, back to the title of today’s blog, and for all of you who love dogs, I have a recipe with a difference. Hetty loves cooking and she loves baking so I wasn’t at all surprised when she asked if she could make some cookies, and absent mindedly I said, “Of course.” It was only when I heard a snatch of a conversation between her and Gigi that something got my attention and turning to listen I found the two of them had set to work adapting a cookie recipe they’d found on a leaflet in our local vets; I saw some flour and an egg, and was vaguely aware of the whir of the Kitchen Aid. It all seemed terribly normal until I heard the clank of a spoon on the floor followed by the words, “It’s only for the dogs.” Seconds later I realized they were making peanut-butter cookies for pets!

If you want to make these, you’ll need 2 1/2 cups wholewheat flour, 1 cup water, 1 cup peanut-butter, 2 tablespoons honey, 1 egg, and 1 teaspoon baking-powder. Mix everything together. You can make them into shapes as the girls did, or simply roll them into balls in the palm of your hand. Bake at 350F/180C for 15 – 18 minutes on a greased baking tray.


Fresh from the oven they smelt so good, we had to nibble a corner and then another; guilty as charged, we ate the dog treats and they were surprisingly good! Not at all sweet, not too peanutty,  and if truth be told I could quite see these making a great accompaniment to cheese. Both Bentley and Evie had stayed close throughout the manufacturing process, as is their wont when anyone is cooking, just in case a crumb should land on the floor. Once the cookies had cooled we let them have a taste, and if the wagging tails were anything to go by I would say they were a big hit. I can happily urge you to try making some for your furry friends today, but try not to eat them all yourself!


p.s. Don’t forget your chance to win an original, signed and dated, piece of art in my giveaway last Thursday, you still have plenty of time to enter, details here

125 thoughts on “We ate dog Biscuits!

  1. A blog friend sent a pack of goodies for our previous dog, Pippa. They included a couple of packs of organic treats, vanilla and blueberry. Absolutely no junk in them, smelled delicious. And they were. They would have gone perfectly with coffee. A neighbour upstairs made some treats for Snowy last Christmas: oat flavour and cheesy ones. They were yummy too. There’s a lot to be said for dog treats 🙂

    1. I can quite see why people do this, it is fun and so much better for them than the stuff one buys in shops on the whole. Perhaps we should make them always, a supply that is both perfect for humans and dogs but I’m not sure who would eat the most! Have a lovely Sunday xx

  2. I remember my daughter used to make doggie biscuits for our beagle and horse treats for her horse when she was younger. Ahh, those were the days.

    1. I don’t remember ever making treats for my horse, I always bought them polo mints, not sure if you would know those unless you have lived in the UK! Of course half went to them and half to me, just like these dog biscuits! Stay warm, I think it’s going to get quite cold tomorrow, I see snow is forecast inland, I wonder if you will get some?? Xx

      1. Oh yes, they got mints too but not often as the vet did not allow sugar. We used to make an oat and carrot biscuit, very good for humans too.
        We do not get snow here. The last time was apparently 5 years ago, but I can always hope.
        Busy making a cream apple tart for tea.

        1. Another person who hopes and prays for snow, me too! We had a sprinkling two years ago but it was gone within hours, apparently about 7 years ago they did get snowed in here for days, the school closed and panic took over as no one was prepared! Cream apple tart sounds to die for, it’s the baking/cooking time of year. Yum yum, have a great Sunday xx

  3. The Herb Society that I am a long time member always made dog “cookies” to sell at our Christmas Bizarre. We had a dedicated group that always came in and loaded up for their furry children.

    1. Oh how brilliant, I can see from the comments already that I am quite behind the times, I have never done this before and nor have the children! I can see them making all sorts of things now and different flavours and excellent Christmas presents for Bentley and Evie! Have a lovely Sunday xx

  4. I make organic dog treats all the time, only if it’s good enough for me is it good enough for my dog. You won’t regret it, they deserve the best too

    1. You have a point Shannon, I wonder why we have never done this before, it has just never occurred to me, but they did love them and so I can see it becoming a regular thing, just so long as the children don’t eat them all first!! Xx

  5. Yet again you have got my Sunday off to a great start, over my cup of coffee I have escaped to France, I’m driving down that tree lined avenue, soaking in the colors and smells and then tasting that soup by your fire – bliss! Wishing you and your family a blessed sunday

    1. Thank you so much Shari, it’s been a wonderful start to Autumn here, we have finally had a few hours of rain which most obligingly came during the night, the plants have heaved a huge sigh of relief as have the farmers I am quite sure. Have a lovely Sunday xx

  6. It’s wet and cold here, warm soup and thick stews are definitely the order of the day now winter is nearly upon us

  7. What a lovely post …. your ravishing pictures of Autumn – how could it possibly fail to capture your heart and the hearts of all your readers? The Soupe and wonderful loaf make me ache for France (even though it must be reported that I had the most splendid supper cooked by our friend Erik last night and may never eat again …) and those dog biscuits. Clever girls! I may even be tempted to make some and put them in a pretty tin for my daughter’s dogs when I see them at Christmas. Brian Dogge and Barrington Bones will surely love them. I hesitate to commit to making any for The Bean since she is being quite disgracefully in the backyard as I type – it is after all the Sunday our clocks have gone back and she is hurling abuse at squirrels!!! Bon dimanche à tous xx

    1. Bentley chases nothing, he doesn’t have a hunting instinct at all, strange for a Jack Russell, but he’s possibly a little wierd! However, squirrels are another matter, if he sees one, he will sit under the tree giving it the death stare for hours, he cannot stand them, it all goes back to his days as a stud dog, before we owned him, he was kept in a kennel by the breeder in Florida and above him were trees full of squirrels, they used to drop nuts on the tin roof of his home, it must have driven the poor boy mad! Your dinner last night sounds delicious, nothing better than good food and good company, especially when you don’t have to do the cooking or washing up!!! Bon dimanche a toi xxx

      1. Poor Bentley! Having nuts dropped on his tin roof when he was working his nuts off quite literally! The Bean will gladly help him defend his turf from evil squirrels …. she empathises quite clearly (and vocally) …. fortunately it is just the squirrels who are targeted. And cats 🐱 xx

        1. Quite literally! But now he has no nuts and no squirrels here in our garden!!! Evie targets the cats, Bentley couldn’t care less, but then she targets anything that moves, including as we sadly found out, the chickens! Xx

          1. Boys are generally more laid back than girls I hesitate to remark ….. The Bean generally ignores birds but I don’t know what she would do if faced with chickens in her garden! She has faced a turkey (they wander around here unperturbed) and sensibly decided to pretend it wasn’t there! Xx

          2. I think even Evie would think twice about a turkey, they are quite a lot larger than her but then she is also fearsome so maybe not! I think boys are generally more laid back in the human species too! Xx

    1. They are, one can quite see why they are man’s best friend, I adore ours, they are constant companions and such characters. So glad we have got into this, albeit we are rather late subscribers! Xx

  8. Such a beautiful post, Susan! The leaves, the sky, astoundingly beautiful. I absolutely adore autumn, so this makes my heart glad. I will try the cookies for our own Bentley, who also has a distinct dislike for the two squirrels who race around our garden. Unfortunately, they are not at all intimidated nor scared of him, death-stare or not.

    1. Brilliant, what is it with Bentley’s and squirrels, we don’t get any squirrels here at all, I’ve seen a few not far away, but never any in the garden. As you now know I like autumn quite a lot too!!! Let me know how Bentley likes the cookies, I think we shall try with other flavours, people have inspired me with their comments. Have a lovely peaceful Sunday xx

  9. Beautiful days here in France, autumn has been glorious, I wander the streets of our little village always with my German shepherd, my faithful friend. I will make him your treats this afternoon, thank you for the great idea

    1. It has been a fabulous Autumn Harriet, I quite agree, I too often walk through the village with the dogs, I love walking round the winding lanes, soaking up the atmosphere. Hope your dog loves his treats! Xx

  10. Better you takes a few bites of theirs than the opposite. I once made the mistake of leaving an enormous batch of (human) biscuits on the table, left the room for a few minutes and came back to find the tin totally empty bar a bit of doggie dribble…

  11. Love your posts and look forward to reading them on Sun. and Wed. So glad you’ve reconsidered your opinion of Autumn. It is my favorite time of year. Your soup sounded delicious and I’m wondering if you could include the recipe for that as well. I’m in a soup making furry at the moment. Hope your fall lasts for several more weeks.

    1. Thanks so much Mary, so many people tell me Autumn is their favourite month of the year and I can see why you all say that, we have also had such wonderful weather this year that there is nothing not to love! The soup was really easy, sauté one leek, 4 large carrots and 2 medium potatoes chopped and peeled and 3 tomatoes (optional) in a knob of butter for five minutes with a teaspoon of grated nutmeg. Add 1 litre of chicken or vegetable stock. Simmer for 30 minutes. Purée with an immersion blender and add some pepper and half a cup of cream and a sprinkling of fresh or dried herbs. Really easy and quite delicious xx

  12. Ulove that you gave us a sneak peak inside your home. HOpe you will do it more often so ww can get decorating tips. Love the big dog ststues by the fireplace.

    1. Thanks Marty, just a little sneak peak yes! Seriously I am doing more this week, it was always the plan, although I am certainly not a designer or expert in any way shape or form! The dogs are Venetian and have been in the family for many decades, they are scratched and battered and really like old family friends! Hope you are having a lovely Sunday xx

  13. The light of autumn truly IS magical, so golden and a lovely contract to a bright blue sky. Your dog biscuit recipe sounds ‘pawfect’ and quite similar to one of mine that I baked with my fledgling dog treat biz. Thanks for sharing. I’ll be sure to have Sam try them and give the 4 paws approval! Happy weekend and have a slice of that divine looking bread for me! ღ

    1. Do let me know what Sam thinks, ours love them, but so do the humans, so they’ve disappeared rather too quickly! Plus Bentley is on a permanent diet, it’s a tough life being a 10 year old neutered male, he seems to only have to look at food to gain weight, let’s just say he’s very comfortable in his old age! Have a lovely Sunday xx

  14. I would love anything with peanut butter….lovely colours out your way.
    I made soup this afternoon also. A perfect soup day…

    Ali xx

    1. I loathe peanut butter on toast and bread, I can’t even stand the smell, yet I love peanuts and I will happily eat peanut butter in cooking, another side of my contradictory self!!! Colours are gorgeous here. We actually got some rain, Friday night, most obliging to come in the small hours, it bucketed and then by yesterday morning was clear and sunny again, but it is certainly colder, definitely soup weather. Hope the sun is continuing to shine with you xx

  15. Your blog this morning almost makes me yearn for autumn weather. Almost! But it is a balmy 76 degrees here, with a lovely breeze. Suki and I took a nice long walk by the lake where she chased a few ducks. She gets a bounce to her step when its nice here, and she was very happy today. I am off to cast my vote on this last day of early voting. Wish me luck! Xox

    1. 76 sounds like a pretty perfect Florida November day, it’s about 60F here, much cooler and meant to get pretty cold tomorrow. I can imagine how she loves being outside now it is cooler. Good luck with the vote, Tuesday will certainly be very interesting, don’t think I can bare to watch. Xxx

    1. Definitely, one of our cats actually enjoyed them this morning, so hope your barn cat likes them too! Hope you are having a lovely Sunday, clear blue skies and sun here but really quite cold! Xx

  16. I always love pictures of your beautiful girls, they always look so happy and as others have said I so enjoyed the sneak peak into your home.

  17. It is indeed soup season, Susan. Nothing better for the missus and I in the shed but a crock of bean and ham soup on the top plate of the wood-burner as the tide hisses up the beach below us and the seagulls cackle along the high water mark. There will be a few soups this winter I fear, I think it’s going to be a cold one. My old bones say so, at least. I hope I am totally wrong….lovely photos as always and I suspect your two dogs are some of the happiest dogs in the world.

    1. Thanks Phil, it will be interesting to see, everyone here predicts a very cold January and February with freezing temperatures well below zero for much of the time. Personally I don’t think it will happen at length, maybe in short bursts though. Your cold weather does sound perfect, if it has to be winter I would spend it in the snow in the mountains or beside the sea in an ideal world and most certainly with a mug of soup in hand! Bentley and Evie loved their treats, but so did Roddy!!! Xx

    1. Yes do, they really were excellent, my husband rather enjoyed them too! We don’t have many left at all, nothing lasts for long around here, too many mouths to feed! Hope you are having a lovely Sunday xx

  18. Another beautiful post. I love Autumn until the rains come and we do have a lot of rain of the Pacific Northwest. We were very lucky last week we had two days of 60 plus weather and then the rain returned. That’s what we expect living in this lovely part of northwest. I love the colors of fall I liken it to a change of the color guard. First the lovely delicate spring greens and then they deepen and added colors of the flowers finally the trees get a chance to show off with they colors. Really lovely!!
    I am going to share the recipe of the dog cookies with my two grandsons who at 12 and 11 love to bake. They would love to make something special for their little Angie Thank you
    Happy Sunday and have a lovely week.

    1. Thank you Freda, I tend to agree, it’s the grey and the rain that I dislike so much too. Normally November is the wettest month of the year with us, so far we have had just one night, but we certainly have a few showers predicted for the end of the coming week. It has averaged around the high 50’s, low 60’s here last week, but in the sun it has been fantastic, so we cannot complain. Do let your grandsons make the cookies, it will be such fun for them and they don’t have to be perfect, and they can have a nibble themselves along the way and then laugh, as only boys can, that they are eating the dog biscuits! Xx

  19. Ah, what little treasures your girls are! My children are 36 and 38 (can’t believe it myself!!) – and I do find myself sometimes longing for them to be little again and to know what I know now and to actually take the plunge to move to the country then rather than now, at retirement age. Still, I can do those things with my little grandsons now – in fact today, my stepson and his wife and son Jacob came for lunch and joy of joys, Boo laid another little egg!! So Jacob, at 2 1/2, had his first experience of collecting an egg from a henhouse!! We were very happy grandparents I can tell you. My daughter in law was cold ( newly expecting so feels it!) so we lit the logburner for the first time this year – so cosy and warm as you say! Although winter has its miseries, I think you’re right and we must look at the lovely things in each season and hot chocolate, homemade cookies, log fires, warm embracing soups and stews, and winter walks are but a few of the jewels of the winter season! Have a cosy week!

    1. I can only imagine your excitement that Jacob was able to collect his first egg, I would have been ecstatic, I know how happy I have been when visitors with young children have collected their first egg, and they are not even related to us! What a clever girl she was to be so obliging. Have the others started laying yet? Mind you they always lay less in the winter and it’s getting much colder now. We have lit the kitchen woodburner for a couple of weeks now, but usually only for an hour in the morning and then the sitting room one for an hour in the evening. We’re getting soft! Winter does have it’s downsides, but I thought if I moan about it non stop then I really am going to waste half of my life wishing it was summer which is such a waste, so I might as well find all the things I love and make the very most of them, as you can tell, I’m a glass half full type of person!!! Stay warm, I think England is going to get pretty cold this week! Xxx

  20. With those ingredients, it’s no wonder they pleased both humans and dogs.
    The weather turned cool here and we cracked and turned on the heat. Usually we wait until December, but I guess we’re getting soft.

    1. Sounds like a great marketing line – treats both dogs and humans will love! I think we are getting soft too, I hate being cold and we have lit the fire for several evenings now. Turned on the heating upstairs in the bedrooms for the first time this evening! Xx

  21. It hasn’t been difficult to love autumn this year. The leaf colours and the weather have been just wonderful. You’ll be going some to convince me that winter is to love though. Perhaps if we had a proper one with snow and blue skies. And if it was only about two weeks long..

    1. I agree, here the weather has been lovely and we have had no rain. It’s the grey and wet that I can’t stand, like you, real snow, blue skies and crisp days are perfect, I can take the real cold weather if it is like that, as one famous Swede said, “there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.” I can walk in the cold and come back and appreciate a warm fire, but when it’s bucketing down it’s just miserable and then I have to dry everyone’s wet raincoats!!! Enjoy the good weather whilst it lasts and stay warm in the icy blast due with you this week xx

  22. What luxury for Bently & Evie, those biscuits sound delicious. Loved seeing photos of the girls and the leafy lanes. We had a very mixed day today, rain showers on & off interspersed with some spells of blue sky & sun. But colder days forecast this next week. I too have mixed feelings about Autumn, once all the lovely autumnal colours have gone it’s usually grey & wet here. Love crispy cold days with blue skies, wrapped up warm for a brisk walk, then home to a glowing log fire. Snugly evenings with a glass of mulled wine. Thank you for sharing your Sunday with us.

    1. They loved the treats, so did Roddy and Hetty!!! We had a gorgeous day today, cold, around 10 or 11 by blue skies all the time. It is meant to get colder here but again sun all week until Friday, fingers crossed and the days are still meant to be around 12 so I think today might have been our coldest day. Your idea of a perfect winter day is mine too, we shall enjoy that mulled wine and warm fire together! I love walking along the beach here, freezing to death with an icy chill on the face, but it is so invigorating! Xxx

  23. Your girls seem to be making the most of the autumn months! It’s always so nice when the weather turns all cozy. Beautiful fall colors in the photos today!

  24. You have brilliantly captured the magical light that often heralds the change of seasons. As for the dog biscuits – I envy the lucky pup who will enjoy the homemade cookies!

    1. I love being able to leave soups simmering on the hob and stews in the oven, of course in the summer it is far too hot to cook this way and so it is, as you say, another thing to like about autumn. I am sure the apples are doing you good, I can think of a great many worse things far worse to over indulge in! Have a lovely week xx

    1. One of our cats actually thought they were rather nice, he was around yesterday when we first made them but had disappeared by the time I took the photo, cats are so independent! Do try making some, would love to know what he thinks and if he doesn’t like them, as I said, I am sure you will, especially with cheese or as a great little snack with an aperitif! xx

  25. I made homemade dog biscuits for the dog of one of my s-i-l once and they were quite tasty. These sound the same way. Here we’re having unseasonably warm weather right now, but in the NE of France where the s-i-l lives who I visit as often as possible, the weather has gotten cold, they’ve stocked up on wood for the winter, and she said there might be snow soon. I do love the various seasons and while I’m enjoying the warm weather while it’s here, I’m ready for the colder temps and the fireplace feel of autumn and then winter.


    1. Hi Janet, the dog treats were a huge hit, I know we will be making lots more, because the humans like them so much too! The autumn has been gorgeous here, it definitely turned a little colder this weekend but still with blue skies and sun. I believe the whole of the UK and northern France is being affected by an icy spell of weather heading down from the Arctic. Plenty of snow over the mountains now I hear. It is certainly lovely to be outside, this evening we played tennis for a couple of hours, the temperature dropped quite dramatically as dusk fell, when we got back into the car we realised it was only 5C! But it was with flushed rosy cheeks that we walked back into the house, it felt so cosy with a warm fire glowing and a roast in the oven smelling divine – this is what makes these colder months so special! xx

  26. Wonderful autumnal photos especially as we here do not have many deciduous trees . . . and evergreens can get just a tad ‘boring’. I have 5-6 in my garden but never rake the leaves – just let them mulch down and return their goodness into the mother lode. I always thought of myself as a ‘spring girl’ but here the spring weather is abysmally windy and up-down in temps from 10 C > 40+C in the one day and then back again – but our autumns are long and still with oft Camelot rains . . Love the idea of man and animal sharing not only love but treats also . . . clever daughters . . .

    1. Wow that is a huge swing in temperatures in one day, one minutes you almost need heating and the next a/c, I would find that most disconcerting too. Your autumns sound divine though. I have read several things recently about leaving the leaves on the ground and the good they do, the problem is we have so many, we would literally be knee deep in leaves everywhere. Our trees are fabulous, they are very very old and one of the reasons we bought the house, but they are all deciduous and at this time of year it can seem like a never ending task! Happy dogs here this weekend! Have a great week xx

  27. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post, as I do all of your posts. Your images are so enchanting and your words bring it all to life and I feel a part of it. Thank you!

  28. It looks as though you’re having a gorgeous misty autumn. I used to dread fall because of what came after, even though where I live, October is the most lovely month! But I’ve found in the past few years, maybe because of the intensity of gardening, I look forward to the rest winter gives–and that snugging in earlier because of darkness. I’ve also found that I don’t mind winter so much. It seems a bit of respite. But fall also seems to be the brilliant show before winter’s curtain. I love that your girls are cooking dog biscuits that might be good with cheese! Enjoy your days. The light looks lovely.

    1. We are lucky here in that Autumn is long and winter is short! October is usually gorgeous here too and certainly was this year although a little cooler than normal. November is also mild but usually the wettest month of the year and by mid March we are back into good spring weather, at least that’s what one hopes! Having said that on a sunny day in a sheltered spot we can eat lunch outside all year round. This morning it was cold, hovering just about freezing, clear skies and bright sun but very thankful for the woodburner warming the kitchen! Have a lovely week xx

  29. I’ve made dog biscuits in the past, but your recipe sounds better. A bit of shredded carrot adds sweetness, and dogs love it.
    Autumn is one of my favorite times, so many components to it. Changing colors, changing temperatures, the poignancy of summer past, and the frisson of looking toward winter coming in.

    1. Our dogs go crazy for raw carrots, whenever we are chopping them in the evening, we always give them the ends, they adore them, nothing goes to waste here with so many mouths to feed! I have come to like autumn, love it even, but spring and Summer will always be my favourites! Good luck this week xx

  30. All has been said, but I just want to express my thanks for the time you take to preserve these most beautiful moments of the season. The path to the beach reminds me so much of the Ile d’Oleron, where I was an au pair, many many years ago. Love the pines and the other trees, the light and the contentment of the girls and the dogs on the floor and by the fire. I suspect those biscuits would indeed be quite nice with a good Cheddar or Gouda!

    1. As you most likely know we are so close to the Ile d’Oleron, the sand dunes and the pine forests are just the same here on the mainland as they are on the Island. We often go to the beach over there. Where were you on the Ile d’Oleron, what a fun place to au pair, although I can imagine years ago it was probably very very quiet without much commerce at all. I can tell you the biscuits went down very well with a piece of cheddar! Maybe we have started a thing, treats for dogs and humans in one packet! Xx

  31. Your beautiful photos have me yearning for France! Although I have appreciated the beauty here at home in Sussex this autumn, especially early morning on my way home from night shift. Driving down the Balcombe Road the other day felt quite magical. Your soup looks delicious, I make lots of it during the winter using any old thing festering in the fridge….and it’s always so tasty.

    1. If I wasn’t here, I would be more than happy to be in Sussex! Lots of soup in the winter months here too, it is so warming and just what is needed. Stay warm this week, I understand it is pretty cold in the UK at the moment. xx

  32. Dear Susuan, it is again a beautiful post. I love Autumn only when the leaves are beautiful. To be honest, not a snowy day for me. I would be quick to go out and take pictures when the snow is fresh. But won’t see me out when it has turned to ice as I have a broken bone in my ankle, won’t need a second time for it haha. Tell me something, “you didn’t eat that dog biscuit?” did you? hahahahah LOL Juli

    1. I have to admit I love the snow, but I’ve been lucky an I can quite see why you don’t like it! The dog biscuits were delicious, really they were just like a biscuit to go with cheese, not too sweet and quite perfect! xx

  33. I’m absolutely in love with autumn for all the reasons you’ve mentioned. The colours have been glorious in our part of the world and I can see from your photos, they are just as brilliantly beautiful in your world too 🙂
    I really like the photo of the leaves flung into the air. It has such a feeling of whimsy and fun.

    Doggie biscuits? No, thank you. I’m trying to cut back 😉

    1. The colours have been fabulous this year, I think maybe because it is so dry here. I used to love playing in the leaves as a child, it’s all part of the fun stuff! The dog biscuits were great!! xx

      1. Where I grew up, there were few deciduous trees – primarily birch and popular – and predominantly coniferous.
        So I never grew up playing in leaves … there just weren’t that many. I do however – even as a “mature” adult – love to kick my way through autumn leaves 🙂

  34. This is SO funny and really, why on earth shouldn’t WE eat their bikkies when THEY eat ALL of our food stuff (and even if they have to do hollahoop jumps to get at it….)???
    But what threw me out of my newly acquired November apathy, were your photos – everything I LOVE too. I am in the lucky position of also having very colourful Virginia vines hanging and strangling us around our magnificent stone stairs and I spent 2hrs on Sunday raking the stuff and put it away for the MOnday collection of greens, I also sighed with gratitude that ENFIN we had some rain (waiting now for the Miriams of mushrooms sprouting from roots of long dead and felled trees – so far we live in peace – and appréhension…..) I now must really go and cut off the wilted hydrangeas AND plant the last lot of some 200 tulips/narcissus etc. I add tons every single year and mostly leave them in the soil – some get eaten by tiny rodents we never see (thanks to all the cats of all our neighbours – I’m a dog person rather) – most get to make young ones but i always forget what and when I put more bulbs in the ground and every spring time it’s GREAT SURPRISE…. The ones I do have to plant and replant are those I put into jardinières for the upstairs’ windowsills (outside our bedrooms) and those for the veranda. There…… I’d better go!
    Hugs, kisses

    1. Thanks so very much, it makes sense really, we eat them, they eat them!!! I’m a dog person but I do love our two cats, thanks to them we have no mice at all, thank goodness, I detest them! Finally we have had some rain too, so perhaps we shall get some mushrooms after all, I really hope so. Nothing can beat the daffodils in the late winter/early spring, they are the most welcome sight always, so I say plant as many bulbs as you can! Xx

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