A French Village Walk

P8010836It’s such a British thing to talk about the weather. But actually it’s often a favoured topic of the French too and this April has given us plenty to think about. We’ve had pretty much all four seasons in as many weeks. We are too far south and too close to the coast to worry about frosts now but it’s been colder than average, hotter than average, drier than average and guess what wetter than average too!

Right now we’re in a chilly stage, so much so that we’re still lighting a fire in the evenings in the sitting room. The skies can change from a beautiful blue to a menacing black within minutes. Warm sun is replaced by cold rain and vice versa. However, anything growing in a sheltered spot is loving it. Protected from the harsher winds, and thoroughly enjoying a good soaking the spring flowers have flourished. The village is looking gorgeous and walking with the dogs is an absolute pleasure. So rather than going on and on about it and being selfish I thought I should take you with me, let’s take a stroll together.


Everywhere is so green, almost overnight it all changed and blossom gave way to leaves. I think it is going to be an incredible season for cherries and plums.P8010861P8010830P8010838

The wisteria has put on a stupendous show all aroundP8010864

and don’t you just love this old rusty bike. It has been here as long as I can remember!P8010832P8010840P8010865

Along with this old tractor in another field. Neither work but they are in no way unsightly either, just a reminder of the past.P8010896

This roof is held up quite literally by the beam supported by the concrete pillar in the middle, but I would love to have this little garden, wouldn’t this make a wonderful summer kitchen area?P8010841

And this doorway which I am told dates from the 14th century.P8010843

To be honest everywhere at this time of year is photo worthy. However, it is when we stop and take that picture that we really appreciate the tiny intricacies, the old stones, the plants which have self seeded and are growing in the cracks in the walls, the turf which has been untouched for hundreds of years, the church from the 12th Century.P8010873


Let’s keep going. Past the roses, which if tucked in by a sheltered wall are already fragrantly blooming.P8010850

Past narrow doorwaysP8010893P8010854

and ancient terracotta tiled roofs,P8010855

and down roads which have heard the pounding of hoofbeats and the thud of feet from lifetimes long ago.P8010889P8010860

Then a single poppy grabs my attention. It strikes me as a reminder that life is fragile, we have to appreciate what we have and the here and now and very much in the news at the moment, we have to protect our environment.P8010877

72 thoughts on “A French Village Walk

  1. Like the weather you describe, your posts are above average. Far above average in my humble opinion. You certainly enjoy your beautiful surroundings.

  2. Lovely! Thank you for taking us on a sunny walk with you. I’m wondering if one of your little researchers at home might find out what the runes above that 14th century door are all about? Very mysterious! And was the building something other than a residence once upon a time?

      1. What a beautiful walk. I love the doors, the flowers and the stone walls. Thank you for sharing.

  3. How very beautiful and peaceful. The weather around the world has been chaotic this year. I think the weather mimics world events. On a sunny Sunday morning, I’m very happy to be on our small island…
    As ever
    Ali xx

    1. The weather, the weather, not a great subject here at the moment, but we needed the rain and we have to remind ourselves of that! But it is unusual to still be lighting a fire and wearing cashmere in May! xx

  4. I have to say ‘me to’ to wishing I was living in France. Love your pictures, enjoy your beautiful days.

  5. Susan, dear, I have been writing to two friends in 2 places on this planet the same thing, but even more pointedly: We have, these days, four seasons in 24 hours! I went in my summer clothes on the TGV to Zurich, only to be freezing here in heavy rain and then dried again within 15‘ in heavy wind and sunshine….. Tomorrow I‘m returning to F to see how my garden and my many plants were doing while ‚mom‘ was away.
    What a lovely walk you took us on! Much of it I know very well too, so delightful (minus the wisterias and lilacs….)
    Love and greetings to the family and pets – be happy!

      1. Just had a visit of a young family with two small girls – drenched to their bones – when they left, the sun was out for 30’…. the heating is still on though!

  6. I think we are experiencing very similar weather… no real complaints but I would like it a wee bit warmer! Never satisfied, are we? Thanks for taking us on your village tour.

    1. The strangest May weather I have ever known here! Friends slightly further inland even had a frost a couple of nights ago, so I think you may have suffered from that too, their tender young potatoes suffered quite badly. Still we needed the rain xx

  7. I always enjoy trips with you in France and it is always fascinating to “travel” so easily around the world now. Spring is a wonderful time of the year and I have been lucky enough to experience Spring twice this year. Once in the southern states and again up north. And we actually talk a lot about weather here and a large amount of our TV news is the weather.

    1. The weather is all anyone can talk about here at the moment because it is so strange, never known a May like it. Forget the April showers, we have cold May ones!! xx

  8. I hope you had a wonderful Easter, Susan. I love the stone, both for buildings and walls, but the wisteria captures my fancy today. I experienced its scent for the first time over a year ago in southern California and was smitten. We had lilacs at our house in Cleveland and our rental house has some and that scent is also wonderful and one I’ve never found replicated by lotions/sprays/perfumes. I think they’re a bit similar. I also saw wisteria during my Easter trip to Philadelphia and thought of you when I saw it.

    Thanks for the beautiful walk. Spring took a bit of a step backwards yesterday (Saturday) when we were told to expect 2-8″ of snow, which fortunately didn’t arrive. We had some snow/rain/sleet, but were so thankful that forecast was wrong. I’m ready to head to the park again as soon as possible to keep an eye on the wildflowers, which will feature in tomorrow’s post.

    Have a blessed week!


  9. The extremes are definitely a trend — we are seeing the same thing here in Haute Savoie where the snow-capped peaks are a pretty contrast to the greening hills and valleys. I’m happy with the mood swings for now but it will be nice to settle in to a bit of more stable warmer weather.

    1. Strange weather indeed, never known a May like it and I know friends in Vichy said they had snow last weekend! Friends a little further inland than us had a frost two nights ago, unheard of in May. Today it is wet and cold and back in the cashmere! xx

  10. THE WISTERIA too here is FABULOUS this year!ALL that rain CALIFORNIA received!ALL the roses are LATE opening however and there is still a chill in the AIR here too!I’m ready for some HEAT!
    14 C doors………..SWOONING!
    I have an old bike like the one you see in my backyard………………was thinking I should pass it on but NOT many people are like YOU and ME!And GOD knows I willNOT TOSS IT!I have to GIVE IT to a GOOD HOME!

    1. If only I were closer I would take your bike!!! I might just go and ask the people if they want to get rid of theirs, I would love it in propped up by the garden shed xx

  11. Love the walk through the village. Here in Canada at this time of year we usually experience all 4 seasons in a day. Saturday night we had the worst snowstorm of the season; thankfully it is all melting as we speak – so hopefully Spring has not been cancelled for us!

  12. Love your walk, so much nicer than here. I am loving our autumn it is finally cooling down, hate the heat. Several seasons in one day quite common in Victoria (Australia). Here the cooler weather brings the native flowers into bloom, so direct opposite to the Northern Hemisphere.

    1. Hope you enjoy your cooler Autumn weather, I can imagine it is a great relief after all that heat. But we need some warmth, strange May weather at the moment xx

  13. Beautiful pictures! Love the old buildings & the wisteria is out of this world! Thanks so much – enjoyed & will look again!!


  15. Beautiful words and images! I started following your blog yesterday after reading your article in the Spring 2017 edition of “Living”. I found it in the gîte we’re staying in near Brantôme. Our family of 6 is travelling around France for 3 months and I am enjoying reading all of your posts about life and family in France!

    1. Hi and welcome! This was the strangest thing ever. I was sitting at the computer this morning, reading about the caves at Brantôme, when your email popped into my inbox and you are staying near there. Too bizarre! Enjoy your holiday xx

      1. Thanks! Yes, we were right near Brantôme and the caves. We’ve moved on to Sarlat-la-Canéda this week and are planning to go to Lascaux tomorrow – I believe it’s a very different experience but also worth while. I’m enjoying all the reading all previous blog posts!

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